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Temporary 20mph speed limits being introduced outside two Co Armagh primary schools

Speed limits outside two County Armagh primary schools are being reduced from today amid pupil safety fears.

Moyallen Primary School at Gilford had a 20mph limit put in place from today (Monday).

Tomorrow (Tuesday), the same will be introduced outside St Peter’s Primary School at Collegeland.

Parents and local representatives have joined with principals and staff in calling for measures to reduce the speed.

This new speed reduction – which takes effect in the mornings and afternoon and is enforceable by the PSNI – is the response from Stormont.

Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard today confirmed the completion of works to enable the part time 20 mph speed limits to be introduced.

The restriction will apply for a distance of between 400 and 500 metres along the road in the vicinity of each school.

Minister Hazzard said: “These measures will enable the national speed limit to be reduced to 20 mph at times when pupils are arriving and leaving school. This will significantly improve safety in the vicinity of these schools at the start and end of the school day.

“The safety of our children, especially as they travel to and from school each day is paramount. As we move towards winter and shorter daylight hours, all drivers are reminded to watch out for children walking or cycling, and to take extra care around school buses especially when children are getting on or off. I would also ask the public for their cooperation and to comply with the speed limits in order to improve road safety at these schools.”

When the signs are lit then the speed limit is in effect and will be enforceable by the PSNI. Motorists should be aware of the new arrangements in the vicinity of the school and should adhere to the signs.  The signs will remain off for most of the time but will light up at the start and end of the school day when the speed limit is in effect.

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